Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reverb 10 : Day 21 for R

Prompt: Future self. Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?)

YIPPPEEEE! I love these sort of posts and thought provoking questions.  Back in 2004 on New Years Eve, N and I made a predictions list for each other one year out and 5 years out. 

So, I'll do this backwards and start with the bonus question first.

If I was writing a note to myself ten years ago...let's see where I was then.  It was 2000 (about to be 2001).  N and I were going to spend New Years in Florida with some friends and were in our sophomore year of college.  In 2001, I would start dating someone who would tarnish most of my college experience.  So here's what it would say:

To R,
Rather than trying to control each situation, take a big deep breath and relax.  College is supposed to be an educational experience, with some fun mixed in.  An experience where you will enjoy living with friends, and building friendships that will last a lifetime (shoutout to J and L-Woww!).  Your main three priorities should be:  school, family, and friends. Boys can wait.  A boy that doesn't treat you well, one that tries to control you, one who puts you down every day until you stop enjoying activities (like food!), one that tries to keep you away from your friend - this is not one that you want to keep in your life.  Letting him do that to you for 3+ years will only break you down, and it takes serious time to build yourself back up again.
You are a kind, caring, compassionate friend, daughter, person.  Know that many people love you.

Future R

Ok, now if I imagine myself five years ahead...I see that either G$ and I have decided if we'd like to have a family. 
  • If I go down the family route:  I'd like to see myself with a small child (SCARY!), and working part time.  I'd like to see that we've moved back to the dirrrrty south with a modest home.  I'd like to see that G$ and I still enjoy good food, wine and each other's company.  I'd also like to see that we've traveled to a new continent and explored it together.
  • If I go down the no-family route:  I have a hard time seeing where G$ and I would live.  But here's what I do see:  I've reached a status in my career where I'm managing a team and on track to become a VP. G$ and I attempt to travel together every 18 months, and also choose to travel with our individual friends (guys trips / girls trips) on the alternating schedule.  My relationship with my family and friends continues to stay strong, and my marriage continues to be exciting.
So, regardless of which track, I think the message is the same:

Enjoy life, enjoy experiences...work to live but don't live to work.  Take the time needed to feed my marriage so it stays healthy, and the same with friendships.  Try to see the world while you can.

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