Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reverb 10: Day 11 for N

Day 11 Prompt: 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

This sounds eerily like 11 new years' resolutions to me. I rarely make resolutions, so this will be tricky. There are oodles of things that my life doesn't need, but do I still like and enjoy some of them? Of course. There are also oodles of things that I don't need or want - like my root beer belly - that I just can't seem to get rid of. Below are 11 things that I feel comfortable listing.

  1. Long PJ pants. I say this because I just tripped over the ones I'm wearing and hurt my toe. I need to just sit down and hem them all.
  2. Procrastination. I've gotten worse at this in my old age and need to stop.
  3. Dehydration. Must. Drink. More. Water.
  4. Avoidance of confrontation. R is trying to help me with this. I need to start telling people when they do stuff that bothers me, in an effort to better us all.
  5. Grazing. I need to stop randomly munching on food when I'm at home and thinking that it's ok since no one can see me.
  6. A pushover personality. I guess this goes along with #4.
  7. Disconnects. Keeping in touch with people is not my forte. With all the forms of communication to choose from now, I should be better at this.
  8. Lack of "go-to" items. I should no longer be bitching that I don't have the perfect default black top, LBD, or black pumps.
  9. Timidity. I've gotten better at being spontaneous/bold (relatively speaking), and I intend to take it one step further.
  10. Lack of skin care. Another pitfall of old age. I can no longer forget to take off my makeup before bed, exfoliate, or use eye cream. If I do, it is painfully obvious to everyone who faces me.
  11. Uncertainty. It'd be useful if I could actually make decisions and stick with them.

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