Sunday, December 12, 2010

Reverb 10 : Day 11 for R

Day 11 Prompt: 11 Things. What are 11 things your life doesn't need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life?

Like N mentioned, I found this prompt very intimidating.  But here goes:
1.  Feeling guilty.  I literally feel guilty about anything and everything.  This must stop.
2.  Not recycling anything besides wine bottles.
3.  Feeling self conscious at the gym.
4.  Like N - fear of confrontations
5.  Caring too much of what people think
6.  Not taking my vitamins
7.  Not taking my makeup off before bed if I've had 1+ glasses of wine
8.  Wearing heals all the time
9.  Worrying about things outside of my control
10.  Not calling people back in a timely fashion
11.  Addiction to online shopping...hahaha :)

Getting rid of some of these items will make me more laid back and allow me to focus my energy on items that truly deserve it.

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