Tuesday, June 28, 2011

N's Project 365: Week 12

The movers are currently packing up my house, and I feel super guilty about just sitting here while they do everything. So I'm posting this now in an effort to look "busy."

June 19, 2011: A blurry shot of Body Pump class.

June 20, 2011: I was lying in bed and realized I hadn't taken a photo that day. I couldn't bother with finding anything more interesting than my ceiling fan.

June 21, 2011: You can't really tell in this shot, but the whole sky was hazy with smoke from wildfires on the coast.

June 22, 2011: My everyday essentials which were allowed to stay on the countertop instead of being hidden in drawers.

June 23, 2011: Two koozies (not cozies) that I found while cleaning out my desk at work. No idea where they came from.

June 24, 2011: My last drive into work at GSK.

June 25, 2011: Manicure experiment of the week. Between that and my purple dress, I ended up looking like Violet in Willy Wonka for my going away dinner that night.

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