Sunday, April 10, 2011

N's Project 365: Week 1

Yes, it's time for another project!
  • Procedure: take a photo every day for 365 days
  • Purposes: see with a more creative eye, find noteworthy things in ordinary days, document a year of life

April 2, 2011: Spring has sprung!

April 3, 2011: While I was appreciating the weather and the view out of my sunroof....

...a bee flew into my car. I have a crazy fear of bees. Such is the story of my life.

April 4, 2011: A coworker gave me this postcard. It's so me.

April 5, 2011: I'm a big fan of the hidden hair braid.

April 6, 2011: My nail polish flavor of the week.

April 7, 2011: K-Man introduced me to these cute little things in the gift shop of the kids' museum, because we're random and decided to spend an afternoon there.

April 8, 2011: Ahh, Friday evening.

April 9, 2011: Maybe we should start calling them "random truism cookies."

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