Thursday, May 24, 2012

R's Photo Project - Week 5

May 13 (Sunday):  G and I wrapping up a weekend with a yummy bottle of wine at our new favorite wine bar.

May 14 (Monday):  I <3 that my gym lets me valet - makes "not finding a parking spot so I don't have to gym" no longer an excuse.

May 15 (Tuesday):  This GF/LF/DF/Soy free/nut free/egg free/vegan bar should also include "taste free" on their description.

May 16 (Wednesday):  Nothing like pho to get you out of a funky bad mood.

May 17 (Thursday):  I changed one of the fishies to swim in the opposite direction at a thai restaurant.  hee hee.

May 18 (Friday):  Bye bye old office.

May 19 (Sunday):  My inspiration for my nails this weekend.

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