Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Rants of a Travelling Business Woman

Ever since I was a small child, I was enamored with the idea of travelling for work.  As immature as it may sound, I loved envisioning myself with a power suit, sleek briefcase, minimal classic jewelry and a roller board suitcase I could take anywhere (and maybe it was LV).  Lately, I've been travelling a ton, and as much as I love it and wouldn't give it up for a non travelling job, I must admit - it is not as glamorous as one thinks and I've listed some of my recent observations as to why.

  1. Girl briefcases are rarely sleek, and it is a struggle to find one that holds all your stuff, but doesn't look like a diaper bag.  And regardless of how much or little you have in the bag, it gets SO HEAVY - like oww, my shoulder hurts heavy.
  2. Because your briefcase is heavy and you're typically in high heeled shoes, there need to be more moving sidewalks - ones that are wider so people can truly walk or stand with all their things.
  3. Airport/airplane bathrooms are DISGUSTING.  When I fly out early in the morning, I typically only do have of my makeup at home.  I count on putting in my contacts and completing my makeup routine in either the airplane or airport bathroom.  The sinks are always gross, the toilet seats are always coated with pee or with the toilet water.  There's kids randomly in the woman's bathroom.  Why can't there be a section for women that need to primp before their meetings?  Today, I saw a woman and myself both struggling to share the small space so we could both get ready for our meetings.  This could easily be solved with a bit more space reserved just for this.  Also - why do moms bring a slew of kids into the woman's room, when there is a HUGE family bathroom next door?
  4. Work travel is still mainly targeted towards men.  On both of my flights this week, I did upgrade to first class which was full of ALL men.  And they step on your feet and don't care, and if they do its a brush off.  HELLO - if you step on my shoe, I need more than a "eh."  On today's flight, a man was sitting in my window seat that I needed so I could get some work done (I work better when I sit at the window) and he gave me so much scuff when I told him to move.  And he also never turned off his electronics - I hate rule breakers.
  5. I also can't tell you how many judgey looks I have gotten from mom's.  Enough said.  
  6. Lastly, I realized that I forgot to pack make up remover.  So as I'm waiting on my coworker, I decide to see what a girl can find at the airport.  I am happy to report that I can get magnum condoms, 4 different types of ear plugs, nail polish remover, and shout.  No makeup remover anywhere.  I did ask the attendant if there was a store that may have it, and she laughed at me and asked why anyone would need that.  A few weeks ago, I discovered a run in my tights.  In Seattle, I was able to find ties, socks, and men's tights or clear nail polish anywhere. 
So - if the world was truly my oyster - I would have a woman necessity store (more than just tampons) in each large airport and more room in the bathroom to allow for getting ready.  I'd like to say that I would have a separate airline for family travelers in the morning since I've often lost overhead space to leapfrogs and large stuffed animals AND separate men/women's first class - but I know that's not politically correct.  SO I'll mention it here, but try not to pursue either of those options :)

Thanks for listening.

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