Friday, February 10, 2012

15 Things You Don't Know About R

Inspired by the latest issue of US Weekly (thanks N!), I wanted to do my own take of 15 things you don't know about me, inspired by US's 25 things.

  1. When I can't sleep, I count backwards starting at 100 and then say the alphabet backwards.
  2. When my cell phone dies, I go into "panic" mode.
  3. I'm a constant worrier.  Each time I see a missed call from my parents or can't get a hold of someone I'm close to, I'm convinced there's been an emergency.
  4. When I'm nervous about a meeting, I pump up to old Britney spears.
  5. I cough when I brush my teeth, and I also back kick my left leg
  6. I crack my knuckles FIRST thing in the morning
  7. I'm very superstitious
  8. I'm convinced I'm psychic
  9. I hate being GF/LF (I'm sure that's not a secret!)
  10. I'm shy and get incredible nervous before meetings
  11. When I get shy/nervous, I ramble
  12. I'm the WORLD's worst liar...I just ramble about minor details to cover up the lie
  13. I hate eating apples off their core.  When I was little, I'd make my mom peel them too
  14. I think I love scary movies and then I get too scared during
  15. Regardless of what anyone thinks, I'm extremely frugal and don't like buying things not on sale.

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