Monday, July 19, 2010

Cross Camping Off of R's List!

So - some may argue that what I did below does not qualify as camping - but in my world it does! are the details:

Some friends of ours's son decided he needed to camp (he is the coolest 3 year old ever!), so they decided to have about 6 of us come over and camp in their backyard.  The camping included grilling, chevelas, wine, s'mores, a nighthike, and sleeping in tents.  I put a tent together with some help from Mrs I.  Man - putting those things together is quite a challenge - I almost lost an eye.  S'mores on a campfire are awesome - it was like crack!  I also perfect my technique and ended up making some for many people :)  Its all in toasting them first, before catching them on a bit of fire :)

I did sleep in a sleeping bag in a tent, which was cool.  The ground is not nearly as comfortable as my bed, but I'm glad I did it :)

YAY - only 29 more to go :)

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