Monday, March 1, 2010

Right Hand or don't?

I typically only like to wear rings on my ring finger. Since I am married, I only have one finger I like for ring wearing.

N and I have been friends for almost 25 years (ok...we've known each other for 25, only been friends for like 15, po-ta-to, poh-tah-toe) and we've been trying to think of fun ideas for our upcoming thirtieth birthdays, and we thought of right hand rings.

However, now we're wondering if people will assume that N is off the market (which could deter her from sweeping George Clooney off of his feet, because he'll think she's already taken)...

What do you think - bad idea or fantastic idea (so fantastic that you want to be friends with us before your 30th birthday too)!? And with that, I'll leave you with a ring I'm currently obsessed with


  1. I wear 3 rings on my right hand :)

  2. BEYOND fantastic idea, right hand rings to me signify independence and strength

  3. I'm looking through old posts and just realized how similar this ring is to the one we ended up getting :)
