Wednesday, August 22, 2012

12 Things that Make R Happy

I was with my favorite client today and like our other meetings, the last 30 minutes ended up catching up on our lives.  Today the topic was centered around recently read books.  My client mentioned "The Happiness Project" which is written by a woman who has "first world problems" and centers each month around one thing that makes her happy.  It got me to thinking - I'd like to focus on 12 things that make me happy.

To me - being happy is completely relaxed without a worry in that moment.  I know living without worries is unrealistic, but for me these small moments of happiness make my day brighter and bring an overall sense of relaxation.

12.  Steam room:   There is nothing more I love after a workout (or even without a workout) than camping out in the steam room - no phone, no clock, complete silence.  And it makes me skin glow :)

11.  A good glass of wine:  Need I say more?  There is nothing that brings a smile to my face and pure relaxation than the first sniff of an amazing glass of wine.  Wines that have a sentimental value to them bring an extra warmness to me :)

10.  Pajamas:  elastic waistbands in pants or FLOOFY chemises - both are good with me.

9.  Having my hair washed by someone else.

8.  Laughing with friends - that good belly, fat man laugh - the kind that moms teach you not to do because its unladylike.

7.  A good homecooked meal - whether its by my mom, hubby, me, friends, in-laws - doesn't matter.

6.  Dance parties - this one is so fun, because you can be sober dancing in the mirror as you are getting ready, in a u-jam class, or enjoying a few drinks with friends dancing :)

5.  Champagne always makes me happy.  Especially champagne til 2:00 am on a school night giggling at the same jokes for the past 20 years....

4.  Ice cream cones - even though I can't eat them in "normal" places, nothing makes me happier than seeing an ice cream cone.

3.  Baby clothes - so many good friends are pregnant or have small children so I've become a regular in the baby departments - how cute are these little people clothing!

2.  Beach - the smell, the sound, the feel of the sand - its all amazing.

1.  G$ - well, he read this and requested to make it on the list ;)  

What I love most is sharing most of these things with good friends and family - they make these happy moments even better :)

What makes you happy?

Monday, August 20, 2012

N's First World Problems

I'm treating this as a game now by trying to see how often my conversations involve first world problems.  It's slightly embarrassing to admit some of the things I've said.  Recently...

  • coworkers and I:  "Ugh, sometimes it's SO hard to type/draw on our smartphones."
  • me, in my head:  "Happy hour or gym?  Such a conundrum."
  • me, to R and Ree:  "I can no longer watch BH 90210 because SoapNet is gone.  I may cry."
  • a conversation I've had with quite a few people lately:  "Doesn't it suck when people want to go to bars that only have well liquor and crappy wine?  We can't drink there, so it's annoying."
  • R, to me:  "My toenail polish clashes with my Gucci peep-toes!"  Me, in response:  "HATE when that happens!"

R's Photo Project - Week 18

August 12 (Sunday):  View of sailboats from Angel Island.

August 13 (Monday):  Impressed with how long my shellac lasted!

August 14 (Tuesday):  The massive packet our financial planner is making us fill out....surprise - i'I'm a conservative saver!

August 15 (Wednesday);  Grilled artichoke with a Hawaiian marinated pork!

August 16 (Thursday):  Gluten free rice krispies - JUST THE SAME!

August 17 (Friday):  Possibly one of my favorite glasses of wine. This was extremely delish. Happiness in a glass!

August 18 (Saturday):  The view from hiking Castle Rock.

Friday, August 17, 2012

N's Friday Food Porn

Owl Birthday Cake - whether you're turning 1 week, 1 month, or 50 years old

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

R's Photo Project - Week 17

August 5 (Sunday):  Ingredients for chai - that's lactose free milk!

August 6 (Monday):  G$ likes living life on the edge!

August 7 (Tuesday):  N and I found these at the Indian store - not bad.

August 8 (Wednesday):  Ingredients for chicken lettuce wraps!

August 9 (Thursday):  is there anything better than grilled corn on a hot day?

August 10 (Friday):  White or red pants - I went with red.
August 11 (Saturday):  Yummy!  Wine tasting!

Monday, August 6, 2012

R's Photo Project - Week 16

July 29 (Sunday):  Yummy gluten free spot in Kauai.

July 30 (Monday):  24 hour hibiscus flower

July 31 (Tuesday);  Convinced N to take the day off and hike and lunch.

August 1 (Wednesday):  Ingredients for pizza soup.  Recipe to come in a separate blog post.

August 2 (Thursday):  This license plate made me chuckle.

August 3 (Friday);  OOOOPS

August 4 (Saturday):  It was chilly enough on Saturday night to warrant sweats, a hoodi e and Christmas socks!

R's Photo Project - Week 15

July 22 (Sunday):  A luau at Regale Winery to get us ready for our trip to Hawaii!

July 21 (Monday):  A self driving Google car.

July 22 (Tuesday):  OOOOOPS

July 23 (Wednesday):  OOOOOPS

July 24 (Thursday):  Off to Hawaii!

July 25 (Friday):  Drinks after a kayaking adventure

July 26 (Saturday):  Our view from the Koa Kea resort.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

R's First World Problems

In case you haven't heard of the phrase "first world problems," this definition will help.  In the past few days, I've realized that everything I complain about is a first world problem.  Here are some examples:

  • Me to N:  "I'm so bummed we're only in Hawaii for 4 nights and not 5"
  • G$ and Me:  "Can't believe our DirecTV isn't working.  What will we do without cable"
  • Me coming back from Portland:  "I can't believe my upgrade didn't go thru"
  • Me to G$:  "Argh, the steam room is closed"
  • Me to N:  "Poop - it's not a real vacation until your cell phones don't work"

I promise I'm not this much of a douchebag.....well, maybe not 100% of one :)