Thursday, September 29, 2011

Random Family-isms

For those of you know me, I have a brother in his early teens.  I also have two parents who aren't super tech savvy and/or process oriented.  I adore them immensely - but that's the reality.    Anyway, in the past two weeks - here are some of the things they've said to me:


Brother:  "Didi*, you know that its in the sky right?  Which means its not in your computer."
Me:  "You mean the cloud"
Brother:  "No Didi*, its the sky.  Don't you know anything?"
Me:  Quietly thinking:  "Wow, I work in SaaS, and here he is telling me what its called"


 Mom:  "R, I don't care about the process at all.  Just get it done with the results I want"
Me:  quietly thinking:  " more work dramas for her"


Mom (who newly just got an Android Phone):  Excitedly "R, thanks for sending my itinerary.  Did you know you can get emails on your phone these days?"
Me:  "yes mom. I'm glad you got my email"
Mom:  "I had 50 unread emails.  They were from your wedding**!  Thanks for those"
Me:  "Wow Mom, you need to check your email more.  And you don't need to thank me for emailing you"
Mom:  "Who knew you could get emails on your phone?"
Me:  complete silence

Oh parents.

*:  Didi is an Indian term to show respect for an older sister.
**:  My wedding was over 3 years ago, which means these emails were from when I was engaged which was over 4 years ago.

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